ASNs allocated in Egypt
Egypt (EG) is a country in Africa (Northern Africa)
allocating 83 ASNs with a total of 24.8M IP addresses. The country is ranked #82 out of 249 countries by the total amount of ASNs.
The organization with the biggest IP allocation in Egypt is identified by ASN 8452 which manages 7.6M IP addresses.
Below you can see a list of ASNs allocated in Egypt sorted by the number of IP addresses currently active on each network. You can click on individual ASN to see detailed information like traffic estimation, allocation date, peers, organization name, and much more.
Below you can see a list of ASNs allocated in Egypt sorted by the number of IP addresses currently active on each network. You can click on individual ASN to see detailed information like traffic estimation, allocation date, peers, organization name, and much more.
ASN | Organization | IPs assigned |
AS8452 | 7.6M | |
AS36992 | Etisalat MISR | 6.3M |
AS37069 | The Egyptian Company for Mobile Services (Mobinil) | 4.5M |
AS36935 | Vodafone Egypt Telecommunication S.A.E | 2.1M |
AS24835 | Vodafone Data - Egypt | 1.9M |
AS24863 | LINKdotNET AS number for any abuse complaint please contact [email protected] | 1.6M |
AS15475 | Nile Online Giza,Egypt For any abuse complain contact [email protected] | 297,216 |
AS20928 | Noor Advanced Technologies ASN Cairo, Egypt | 196,608 |
AS25576 | AFMIC Autonomous System, Egypt | 24,064 |
AS2561 | Egyptian Universities Network (EUN) Egyptian Universities Networks Egypt | 20,736 |
AS33782 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina | 16,384 |
AS6127 | Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) 11A Hassan Sabry Street Zamalek, Cairo EG | 14,592 |
AS31619 | City Stars - Egypt | 10,240 |
AS36893 | Duravit Egypt Autonomous System | 8,192 |
AS15804 | AS of The Way Out Internet Solutions Cairo, Egypt | 7,680 |
AS20484 | Yalla Online Autonomous System | 6,656 |
AS30993 | Egypt Centers | 6,656 |
AS6879 | Egyptian National Scientific & Technical Information Network | 6,144 |
AS33785 | City Net Telecom | 4,608 |
AS8524 | AUCEGYPT Autonomous System The American University in Cairo Egypt | 4,352 |
AS31065 | Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology | 4,352 |
AS37031 | MISR Information Services & Trading | 4,096 |
AS25364 | Egypt Cyber Cenyer Network | 2,816 |
AS36929 | Central Bank of Egypt | 2,304 |
AS37191 | Raya Holding | 2,048 |
AS328299 | Attijariwafa Bank Egypt S.A.E | 2,048 |
AS33778 | Mantrac Group | 2,048 |
AS37112 | Dar Al-Handasah | 1,280 |
AS30995 | Commercial International Bank (Egypt) AS | 1,024 |
AS36906 | Egyptian Operating Company for Liquefied Natural Gas | 1,024 |
AS37437 | CI Capital Egypt | 1,024 |
AS37193 | e-finance | 1,024 |
AS36978 | EFG Hermes | 1,024 |
AS36990 | Alkan Telecom Ltd | 1,024 |
AS328067 | E.G.I.T. for Technology Services | 1,024 |
AS328645 | The Egyptian Stock Exchange | 1,024 |
AS37066 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | 1,024 |
AS36870 | IT Worx | 768 |
AS37003 | Xceed Contact Centre | 768 |
AS328405 | Link Datacenter For Data Circulation | 768 |
AS37664 | Raya Contact Center | 512 |
AS37252 | GB AUTO | 512 |
AS37583 | Credit Agricole Egypt | 512 |
AS37348 | Cairo American College | 512 |
AS36885 | Egyptian MCIT Internet2 | 256 |
AS328484 | TBE Egypt for Payment Solutions and Services S.A.E | 256 |
AS37444 | SCCT | 256 |
AS328011 | Children's Cancer Hospital 57357 | 256 |
AS328553 | Bank Misr S.A.E | 256 |
AS328052 | Orascom Construction - Assigned AS | 256 |
AS328308 | L'Azurde Company For Jewelry | 256 |
AS207740 | Youssef Hamed | 256 |
AS328062 | Audi Bank - S.A.E. | 256 |
AS37250 | EGYPT AIR | 256 |
AS327838 | Egypt Linx for Communication Services | 256 |
AS37279 | Egyptian Banks Company | 256 |
AS327846 | Wadi Degla Investments(WDI) | 256 |
AS201398 | Star Ware for Programming & Internet Services | 256 |
AS328654 | Fixed Solutions | 256 |
AS37585 | NSGB | 256 |
AS37339 | Mediterranean Smart Cards Company | 256 |
AS37091 | Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait Egypt | 256 |
AS33777 | Egypt Network SAE | 256 |
AS328458 | Al-Borg Laboratories Company | 0 |
AS25362 | Internet Advanced Access. Internet Service Provider Alexandria, Egypt | 0 |
AS24878 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina is the new international project to rebuild one of old seven wonders in Egypt, the Library of Alexandria | 0 |
AS29495 | Advanced Systems Company is an company located in Egypt speciallized | 0 |
AS37726 | P.S extra for communication Network and information technology JSC | 0 |
AS37226 | Beltone Financial | 0 |
AS36971 | GPX Egypt | 0 |
AS20858 | This AS will be used to connect EgyNet | 0 |
AS328587 | Ministry of Communications and Information Technology | 0 |
AS37270 | AT-Financial Holding | 0 |
AS24987 | Armed Forces Main Information center | 0 |
AS24736 | Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology | 0 |
AS328105 | The International Educational Systems and its branch Modern English School, Cairo | 0 |
AS328629 | Egyptian Credit Bureau Estealam "S.A.E" | 0 |
AS37562 | DrexelEgypt | 0 |
AS328642 | Elsewedy Electric For Power Systems Projects (PSP) | 0 |
AS328430 | Fawry for Banking and Electronic Payment Technology Services (S.A.E) | 0 |
AS28913 | CADBURY EGYPT is the Egyptian branch of the international company Cadbury | 0 |
AS29428 | Egypt Network - Egypt | 0 |
AS33789 | Egyptian MCIT Internet2 | 0 |