Regional Internet registry
IP Addresses count
United States of America
The organization ESnet allocates 5 IP netblocks under the autonomous system number
(ASN ) of 293.
The regional internet registry (RIR ) for this ASN is ARIN.
The country in which these IPs are located is United States of America (US), which is on #1 out of 249 countries by the total amount of ASNs allocated - 27,927.
AS293 has 252 peers, 2 upstreams and 29 downstreams with a total of 132,608 IP addresses.
AS293 has 252 peers, 2 upstreams and 29 downstreams with a total of 132,608 IP addresses.
IP Address ranges
Block | Description | IPs count |
---|---|---| | Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) | 65,536 | | Y-12 National Security Complex | 65,536 | | Y-12 National Security Complex | 256 | | OSTI | 256 | | Energy Sciences Network | 1,024 |
ASN | Name | IPs Count |
AS3 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 2,174,464 |
AS24 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | 65,536 |
AS42 | WoodyNet | 38,656 |
AS59 | University of Wisconsin Madison | 328,448 |
AS88 | Princeton University | 137,472 |
AS101 | University of Washington | 4,096 |
AS103 | Northwestern University | 150,016 |
AS160 | University of Chicago | 114,944 |
AS195 | San Diego Supercomputer Center | 153,600 |
AS226 | Los Nettos | 314,112 |
AS237 | Merit Network Inc. | 5,733,888 |
AS16 | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | 131,584 |
AS43 | Brookhaven National Laboratory | 66,560 |
AS44 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | 23,552 |
AS45 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | 175,360 |
AS50 | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | 133,632 |
AS68 | Los Alamos National Laboratory | 263,168 |
AS291 | ESnet | 264,192 |
AS292 | ESnet | 262,400 |
AS297 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | 933,120 |
AS377 | Sandia National Laboratories | 136,960 |
AS513 | CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research | 354,816 |
AS668 | DoD Network Information Center | 2,931,968 |
AS683 | Argonne National Lab | 301,824 |
AS714 | Apple Inc. | 16,816,384 |
AS803 | Saskatchewan Telecommunications | 540,672 |
AS1103 | SURFnet bv | 6,223,616 |
AS1224 | National Center for Supercomputing Applications | 65,792 |
AS1798 | State of Oregon | 219,392 |
AS1828 | Unitas Global LLC | 27,904 |
AS2018 | TENET-1 | 1,308,160 |
AS2153 | California State University, Office of the Chancellor | 0 |
AS2381 | WiscNet | 566,016 |
AS2497 | Internet Initiative Japan Inc. | 3,801,600 |
AS2516 | KDDI CORPORATION | 18,443,264 |
AS2603 | NORDUnet | 9,984 |
AS2640 | Ames Laboratory | 65,536 |
AS2828 | MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business | 6,767,360 |
AS2906 | Netflix Streaming Services Inc. | 160,768 |
AS2907 | Research Organization of Information and Systems | 8,935,488 |
AS2914 | NTT America, Inc. | 6,968,576 |
AS2936 | National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center | 65,536 |
AS3130 | RGnet OU | 50,944 |
AS3152 | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) | 66,816 |
AS3292 | TDC A/S | 5,703,168 |
AS3320 | Deutsche Telekom AG | 34,091,264 |
AS3361 | Digital Fortress, Inc. | 15,104 |
AS3380 | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | 4,864 |
AS3424 | National Nuclear Security Administration, Kansas City Plant | 512 |
AS3425 | ESnet | 256 |
AS3428 | ESnet | 68,352 |
AS3431 | ESnet | 1,024 |
AS3443 | ESnet | 256 |
AS3491 | PCCW Global, Inc. | 1,012,480 |
AS3562 | Sandia National Laboratories | 132,352 |
AS3671 | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | 65,792 |
AS3676 | University of Iowa | 131,328 |
AS3754 | NYSERNet | 0 |
AS3856 | Packet Clearing House | 256 |
AS3999 | The Pennsylvania State University | 443,648 |
AS4043 | Montana Internet Corporation | 24,832 |
AS4181 | TDS TELECOM | 1,121,536 |
AS4258 | Accretive Networks | 1,792 |
AS4788 | TM Net, Internet Service Provider | 2,970,112 |
AS5050 | Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center | 144,640 |
AS5078 | Oklahoma Network for Education Enrichment and | 161,536 |
AS5650 | Frontier Communications of America, Inc. | 12,210,944 |
AS5769 | Videotron Telecom Ltee | 2,637,824 |
AS6079 | RCN | 1,152,256 |
AS6128 | Cablevision Systems Corp. | 5,187,840 |
AS6315 | XMission, L.C. | 92,416 |
AS6325 | Illinois Century Network | 760,064 |
AS6391 | Urban Networks Inc. | 7,424 |
AS6406 | Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility | 65,792 |
AS6461 | Zayo Bandwidth | 1,011,200 |
AS6507 | Riot Games, Inc | 23,808 |
AS6509 | Canarie Inc | 256 |
AS6621 | Hughes Network Systems | 837,120 |
AS7332 | LightBound, LLC | 81,920 |
AS7342 | VeriSign Infrastructure & Operations | 23,296 |
AS7497 | Computer Network Information Center | 1,815,808 |
AS7539 | National Center for High-performance Computing | 89,088 |
AS7575 | Australian Academic and Research Network (AARNet) | 1,519,360 |
AS7713 | TELKOMNET-AS-AP PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia | 3,399,424 |
AS7795 | LUMOS Networks, Inc. | 168,704 |
AS8075 | Microsoft Corporation | 37,893,888 |
AS8309 | SIPARTECH SAS | 24,832 |
AS8359 | MTS PJSC | 1,168,128 |
AS8674 | NETNOD Internet Exchange i Sverige AB | 7,680 |
AS10310 | Oath Holdings Inc. | 203,264 |
AS10490 | Georgia Institute of Technology | 256 |
AS10578 | Harvard University | 16,384 |
AS10594 | Cutting Edge Communications, Inc. | 26,624 |
AS10702 | Idaho National Laboratory | 131,072 |
AS10764 | National Center for Supercomputing Applications | 0 |
AS10848 | NTT DATA Services, LLC | 32,768 |
AS10886 | University of Maryland | 4,864 |
AS11096 | FloridaNet | 7,168 |
AS11274 | TierPoint, LLC | 24,064 |
AS11317 | Great Plains Network | 0 |
AS11404 | Wave Broadband | 714,496 |
AS11492 | CABLE ONE, INC. | 1,230,848 |
AS11537 | Internet2 | 2,304 |
AS11678 | USDOE, NV Operations Office | 256 |
AS11796 | Airstream Communications, LLC | 113,152 |
AS11922 | RealNetworks, Inc. | 6,144 |
AS11924 | Montana Opticom, LLC | 16,640 |
AS12189 | PhoenixNAP LLC | 11,008 |
AS12200 | Rackspace Hosting | 512 |
AS12956 | Telefonica International Wholesale Services II, S.L.U. | 178,432 |
AS13370 | LocalTel Communications | 40,192 |
AS13414 | Twitter Inc. | 41,216 |
AS13739 | Datacenter IP, LLC | 29,952 |
AS13768 | Aptum Technologies | 1,322,496 |
AS14041 | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | 262,656 |
AS14361 | HopOne Internet Corporation | 136,448 |
AS14413 | LinkedIn Corporation | 6,400 |
AS14500 | Galaxy Broadband Communications Inc. | 10,240 |
AS14589 | Digital West Networks, Inc. | 12,544 |
AS14793 | NeoNova Network Services, LLC | 46,592 |
AS14877 | KINBER | 8,960 |
AS15169 | Google LLC | 10,100,736 |
AS15695 | Expereo International BV | 21,760 |
AS16164 | Sohonet Limited | 2,560 |
AS16276 | OVH SAS | 3,419,904 |
AS16411 | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | 9,216 |
AS16509 |, Inc. | 33,372,160 |
AS16552 | Tiggee LLC | 11,264 |
AS16584 | IonSwitch, LLC | 2,304 |
AS16713 | Northwest Open Access Network | 62,720 |
AS16735 | ALGAR TELECOM S/A | 505,600 |
AS16905 | North Texas GigaPOP | 0 |
AS17048 | Awknet Communications, LLC | 12,288 |
AS17579 | KISTI | 3,072 |
AS18106 | Viewqwest Pte Ltd | 51,456 |
AS18530 | Isomedia, Inc. | 142,080 |
AS18592 | Corporacion Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet | 67,584 |
AS18647 | Accel Net, Inc. | 4,352 |
AS19016 | Westman Communications Group | 26,624 |
AS19116 | Washington Broadband, Inc. | 4,096 |
AS19151 | WV FIBER | 70,144 |
AS19186 | GMCHOSTING LLC | 512 |
AS19551 | Incapsula Inc | 151,040 |
AS19653 | CTS Communications Corp | 90,624 |
AS19662 | Uniserve On Line | 57,856 |
AS19679 | Dropbox, Inc. | 75,776 |
AS19754 | The Fusion Network, LLC | 9,472 |
AS19782 | Indiana University | 32,768 |
AS20080 | Florida International University | 1,536 |
AS20115 | Charter Communications | 11,650,048 |
AS20161 | TeraGo Networks Inc. | 156,672 |
AS20474 | NCI, Inc. | 8,192 |
AS21804 | Access Communications Co-operative Limited | 90,368 |
AS21859 | Zenlayer Inc | 459,520 |
AS21928 | T-Mobile USA, Inc. | 12,670,208 |
AS21947 | Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative, Inc. | 71,680 |
AS22335 | Metropolitan Research and Education Network | 256 |
AS22388 | Indiana University | 0 |
AS22616 | ZSCALER, INC. | 89,344 |
AS22702 | X5 Solutions, Inc. | 5,120 |
AS22822 | Limelight Networks, Inc. | 144,384 |
AS22995 | Xplornet Communications Inc. | 309,504 |
AS23033 | | 50,688 |
AS23138 | FIRST STEP INTERNET, LLC | 83,456 |
AS23175 | PogoZone | 23,808 |
AS23393 | NuCDN LLC | 14,592 |
AS23738 | Bandle City Internet | 3,328 |
AS23911 | China Next Generation Internet Beijing IX | 512 |
AS24167 | ET Academia Sinica Grid Computing Center | 13,568 |
AS24482 | SG.GS | 22,784 |
AS26038 | Elevate Technology Group | 1,536 |
AS26548 | Purevoltage Enterprises Inc. | 13,056 |
AS27281 | Quantcast Corporation | 4,096 |
AS27400 | Clearfly Communications | 7,168 |
AS27750 | Cooperacion Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas | 2,048 |
AS29791 | Internap Holding LLC | 133,120 |
AS29838 | Atlantic Metro Communications II, Inc. | 133,888 |
AS29933 | Off Campus Telecommunications | 68,864 |
AS30076 | Inland Northwest Health Services | 1,280 |
AS30081 | CacheNetworks, Inc. | 9,216 |
AS30094 | Giganews, Inc. | 16,128 |
AS30340 | TierPoint, LLC | 22,528 |
AS31638 | Lepida S.c.p.A. | 45,312 |
AS31800 | DALnet | 768 |
AS32212 | Sky Fiber Internet | 8,704 |
AS32354 | Unwired | 18,176 |
AS32444 | Safelink Internet | 15,872 |
AS32590 | Valve Corporation | 18,944 |
AS32748 | Steadfast | 129,536 |
AS32751 | Nuclearfallout Enterprises, Inc. | 2,304 |
AS32869 | Silver Star Telecom, LLC | 17,152 |
AS32934 | Facebook, Inc. | 143,872 |
AS32982 | U.S. Department of Energy | 219,648 |
AS33211 | RisingNet, LLC | 4,096 |
AS33362 | Wikstrom Telephone Company, Incorporated | 26,624 |
AS33438 | Highwinds Network Group, Inc. | 132,352 |
AS34553 | Nathan Sales | 768 |
AS36236 | NetActuate, Inc | 99,072 |
AS36288 | NNSA Information Assurance Response Center (IARC) | 256 |
AS36351 | SoftLayer Technologies Inc. | 5,125,120 |
AS36416 | Clackamas Education Service District | 33,792 |
AS36692 | Cisco OpenDNS, LLC | 56,576 |
AS38022 | REANNZ National Research and Education Network | 77,568 |
AS39386 | Saudi Telecom Company JSC | 33,280 |
AS40065 | CNSERVERS LLC | 491,264 |
AS40387 | University of Illinois | 2,048 |
AS40428 | Pandora Media, Inc | 2,816 |
AS40498 | New Mexico Lambda Rail, Inc. | 5,120 |
AS40861 | Paradise Networks LLC | 18,432 |
AS41378 | Kirino LLC | 1,536 |
AS43996 | BV | 7,680 |
AS46276 | SmarterBroadband | 6,400 |
AS46375 | Sonic Telecom LLC | 356,864 |
AS46450 | Pilot Fiber, Inc. | 32,512 |
AS46562 | Total Server Solutions L.L.C. | 143,104 |
AS46846 | U.S. Department of Energy | 2,560 |
AS46997 | Nato Research Ltd. | 768 |
AS47065 | USC / UFMG PEERING Research Testbed | 11,008 |
AS47096 | Compudyne, Inc. | 7,680 |
AS53340 | VegasNAP, LLC | 37,632 |
AS53597 | Hoyos Consulting LLC | 4,096 |
AS54297 | Savannah River Plant | 256 |
AS54506 | Pineapple Hospitality Company | 256 |
AS55256 | Netskope Inc | 12,800 |
AS55850 | TrustPower Ltd | 79,616 |
AS58511 | Anycast Global Backbone | 6,912 |
AS58552 | PT Multidata Rancana Prima | 4,608 |
AS58580 | ASTRACK Fastrack Technology | 5,376 |
AS59624 | Federal State Institution Russian Scientific Center Kurchatovsky institute | 8,448 |
AS61323 | UKFAST.NET LIMITED | 73,472 |
AS62838 | Reprise Hosting | 6,656 |
AS62856 | Docusign, Inc | 5,120 |
AS62887 | WhiteSky Communications, LLC. | 15,872 |
AS63023 | GTHost | 8,960 |
AS63293 | Facebook, Inc. | 9,728 |
AS63298 | Tekfinity | 7,680 |
AS63331 | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | 768 |
AS63927 | RISE | 5,120 |
AS132203 | Tencent Building | 524,288 |
AS208188 | Puget Sound Networks, LLC | 512 |
AS393552 | Longmont Power & Communications | 26,112 |
AS394018 | ARIN Operations | 256 |
AS394065 | essensys Inc. | 8,448 |
AS394449 | FyberCom, LLC | 4,096 |
AS396253 | iboss,inc | 18,944 |
AS396914 | Pacific Northwest Net, Inc. | 256 |
AS397849 | ZOHO | 1,536 |
AS3356 | Level 3 Parent, LLC | 38,461,440 |
AS6939 | Hurricane Electric LLC | 516,096 |
ASN | Name | IPs Count |
AS16 | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | 131,584 |
AS43 | Brookhaven National Laboratory | 66,560 |
AS44 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | 23,552 |
AS45 | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | 175,360 |
AS50 | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | 133,632 |
AS68 | Los Alamos National Laboratory | 263,168 |
AS291 | ESnet | 264,192 |
AS292 | ESnet | 262,400 |
AS377 | Sandia National Laboratories | 136,960 |
AS683 | Argonne National Lab | 301,824 |
AS2640 | Ames Laboratory | 65,536 |
AS2936 | National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center | 65,536 |
AS3152 | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) | 66,816 |
AS3380 | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | 4,864 |
AS3424 | National Nuclear Security Administration, Kansas City Plant | 512 |
AS3425 | ESnet | 256 |
AS3428 | ESnet | 68,352 |
AS3431 | ESnet | 1,024 |
AS3443 | ESnet | 256 |
AS3562 | Sandia National Laboratories | 132,352 |
AS3671 | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | 65,792 |
AS6406 | Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility | 65,792 |
AS10702 | Idaho National Laboratory | 131,072 |
AS11678 | USDOE, NV Operations Office | 256 |
AS16411 | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | 9,216 |
AS32982 | U.S. Department of Energy | 219,648 |
AS46846 | U.S. Department of Energy | 2,560 |
AS54297 | Savannah River Plant | 256 |
AS63331 | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | 768 |
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