ASNs allocated in Samoa

Samoa (WS) is a country in Oceania (Polynesia) allocating 9 ASNs with a total of 18,688 IP addresses. The country is ranked #172 out of 249 countries by the total amount of ASNs. The organization with the biggest IP allocation in Samoa is Vodafone Samoa Limited identified by ASN 17993 which manages 9,472 IP addresses.

Below you can see a list of ASNs allocated in Samoa sorted by the number of IP addresses currently active on each network. You can click on individual ASN to see detailed information like traffic estimation, allocation date, peers, organization name, and much more.

ASN Organization IPs assigned
AS17993 Vodafone Samoa Limited 9,472
AS38800 Digicel Samoa Ltd 3,584
AS38227 Computer Services Limited (CSL) 3,072
AS139679 Office of the Electoral Commission 256
AS134376 Samoa IXP Computer Services Ltd Private Bag Lotemau Centre 256
AS9218 WISEVAN GUARD Limited 0
AS55579 Computer Services Ltd 0
AS138356 National University of Samoa 0