ASNs allocated in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso (BF) is a country in Africa (Sub-Saharan Africa) allocating 23 ASNs with a total of 262,656 IP addresses. The country is ranked #121 out of 249 countries by the total amount of ASNs. The organization with the biggest IP allocation in Burkina Faso is Orange Burkina Faso identified by ASN 37577 which manages 204,032 IP addresses.

Below you can see a list of ASNs allocated in Burkina Faso sorted by the number of IP addresses currently active on each network. You can click on individual ASN to see detailed information like traffic estimation, allocation date, peers, organization name, and much more.

ASN Organization IPs assigned
AS37577 Orange Burkina Faso 204,032
AS25543 ONATEL/FasoNet's Autonomous System 29,440
AS37721 Virtual Technologies & Solutions SA 12,288
AS37526 Telecel Faso 4,096
AS37073 Internet Puissance Plus 4,096
AS37163 IPSYSTEM SA 2,048
AS37008 Alink Telecom Faso 1,536
AS328534 AFREENET SA 1,024
AS328316 Point d'Atterissement Virtuel - Burkina Faso 1,024
AS328627 Agence des technologies de communication et de sécurite (A.T.C.S) 512
AS328448 La Direction générale des impôts 256
AS328215 Universal Communication SA 256
AS328245 Autorite de Regulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes 256
AS328010 Burkina Faso Internet EXchange Point ( BFIX) 256
AS328330 Agence Nationale de Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (ANSSI) 256
AS327871 Agence Nationale de Promotion des TIC (ANPTIC) 256
AS328649 DANON'S GROUP 256
AS37648 Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) 0
AS37716 Burkina Faso Internet EXchange Point ( BFIX) 0
AS328389 STARCOM 0
AS328424 IT PROJET 0